For over thirty years, Almarshad Group has successfully managed to acquire and keep a very good and successful Engineering position in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in several electrical and mechanical fields of business. Our factory Almarshad Industry for Generators is renowned in the field of repair, overhauling and maintenance of power generation plants in particular at vital locations like hospitals, residential compounds, universities, and others.
Our experienced engineers from Europe and Asia are trained at the manufacture’s premises to give the best possible results in installation.
overhauling, servicing and operation of di”erent types and ratings.
Almarshad Industry for Generators employs a big number of experts. our competent manpower, special tools and testing equipment provide all necessary expertise to guarantee successful work.
Our Services
Rewinding department
As we are member of (EASA 
Rewinding / Reconditioning of MV & LV AC-Motors for all sizes and capacities
Rewinding / Reconditioning of DC Motors for all sizes and capacities.
Rewinding / Reconditioning of LV & MV Alternators of nearly all sizes and capacities.
Rewinding / Reconditioning of LV & MV Transformers all sizes and capacities.
Rewinding / Repair of Air-Conditioning and Air Compressors.
• Computerized dynamic balancing of any rotating component up to 4m.
Generator load-test using resistive type load banks up to 1.5 MW.
As an official service partner for we specialize in rewinding / Repair of Submersible Pumps.
Power Electronics Department
• Generator Control System (LV & MV):
Assembly, Modi!cation, Calibration, Servicing and Repair
1. Automatic Voltage Regulators.
2. Electronic Fuel Controls.
3. Auto Start/Stop Controls.
4. Engine and alternator protection and alarm systems.
5. Automatic transfer switches ) ATS )
• Power Plant Control system (LV & MV):
Modi!cation, Calibration, Servicing and Repair
1. Synchronization.
2. Automatic Voltage Regulators.
3. Active and Reactive Load Sharing.
4. Load Shedding and Stepping.
5. Engine and Alternator protection & alarm systems.
6. Modi!cation of obsolete control systems using equivalent or PLCs.
7. Instrumentations.
8. Switchgears & Motor Control Centers.
We provide high standard preventive maintenance procedures
for package substation to maintain continuity of electric
supply and reliability of the transformer,
MV switchgear and low voltage circuit breaker
in the complete assembly.
We also provide MV and LV cabling
options to suit speci!c application.
Diesel Engine Department
Repair and servicing of all types of diesel Engines.
General Overhauling of diesel Engines according to manufacture’s. speci!- cations.
Overhauling and repair of all types of Air- and Refrigeration- compressors.
Overhauling and repair of water and Oil Pumps.
Maintenance & Supervision Contracts Projects
Our engagement in the supervision of servicing and preventive maintenance procedures as per client’s contractual needs extends to several years ago especially in observation and supervision of the operation and maintenance sta” of the main contractors of many governmental and private sector entities. This division was established on 1993 to satisfy the needs of the Operation & Maintenance companies and support them to follow up the status of the power plant including all its attachments at the MOH Hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
We achieved very good success in this !eld and helped the sites to ensure
the proper stand-by power supply through scheduled site visits by our superior engineers and specialized technicians.