In the presence of His Excellency the Deputy, members of the Board of Directors and the CEO, and with the participation of a number of the group’s guests, Al-Marshad Holding held its annual Iftar (Ramadan breakfast) for its employees for the year...
Al-Marshad Holding employees celebrated His Excellency the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors on the occasion of his election as First Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Riyadh Chamber.
في اجواء رائعة وممتعة .. وبعيدة عن ضغوط العمل … #المرشد_القابضة تقيم فعاليات يوم مفتوح لمنسوبيها ومنسوبي الشركات التابعه لها في احد منتجعات #الرياض بمشاركة رئيس مجلس الادارة ونائبه وعدد من اعضاء مجلس الادارة و الرئيس...